West Carleton Soccer Club

Law 4 - Players Equipment

WCSC Player Equipment
Micro and U6 - U18 house league players:

  • All players are required to wear shin pads and socks that completely cover the shin pads.  Soccer Cleats are highly recommended but optional. 
  • Jerseys will be provided for all players by the WCSC.
  • Appropriate soccer shorts are the responsibility of the player.
  • The following are NOT appropriate:  short shorts, bathing suits, attire with pockets, metal or other hard materials (buttons or decorative), loose strings, rings or other material dangling on the outside of the shorts.

OSA Update to Law 4

Law 4 Players Equipment:

Application of the CSA Guidelines in Ontario

A player must not use equipment or wear anything that is dangerous to himself or another player (Law 4).


The Canadian Soccer Association issued a memorandum (2005) pertaining to Law 4, Players Equipment, which clarifies the use of non-essential equipment that may or may not be worn by players. This document elaborates on the CSA document for games under the jurisdiction of the Ontario Soccer Association.

For games played outside of the OSA Rules and Regulations (e.g. A League, PDL, W League, Super Y) please consult the appropriate referee manual.


No item of jewellery of any sort will be allowed on the field of play, even if it is taped. This includes but not limited to necklaces, rings, bracelets, earrings, leather or rubber bands or visible body piercings. Loose beaded hair is also not permitted unless tied back or covered by a net.

Exceptions to this interpretation are:

  • Smooth wedding bands, which, when the referee is convinced cannot be removed may be taped.
  • Medic Alert Bracelets are allowed but must be taped. The taping should be such that the description of the medical problem is clearly visible.


  • Hats - No hats are allowed on the field of play.

Exceptions to this interpretation are:

  • The goalkeeper may wear a hat, or
  • A player may be permitted for medical reasons on the presentation of a letter signed by a medical professional and validated by the District Association and a copy to the OSA.
  • As guidance 
  1. the hat may not be a baseball cap, and
  2. if cap has a peak it must face forwards and have a soft peak. and
  3. contains no metal or plastic parts
  • Bandanas - no bandanas are allowed
  • Sweat bands - no sweatbands are allowed.
  • Head protectors: only those permitted by FIFA are allowed


  • are allowed if they are sports spectacles and are safe for the players themselves and for other players. Materials such as metal or glass are not acceptable. In recreational and house league games referees are expected to show common sense and allow spectacles as long as the basic principals of Law 4 are met.

Orthopaedic Supports, E.G. Knee Braces

FIFA Circular 863 states that the vast majority of commercially manufactured supports are safe to use. -The major concern is not the hardness of the equipment alone, rather that any part of it can cut or wound another player. Any support must be safe for all players, and adequately padded and covered if necessary.


Players wearing a soft cast will be permitted to play if the cast does not present a danger to him/herself or any other player. All casts must be adequately padded by suitable material such as foam or œbubble wrap.


A player wearing a prosthetic device should be allowed to play providing the basic principals of Law 4 are met.


Referees are encouraged to incorporate a footwear inspection in the pre-match safety check of players equipment. Poorly maintained studs or blades on the sole of the boot can constitute a danger. When inspecting footwear, referees are to be alert to the possibility of the edge of the blades or studs developing rough areas on either the plastic or metal used in their construction. These burrs can become very sharp and have been the cause of lacerations to opponents. A referee who is concerned over the condition of blades or studs should refuse their use until such time as the unsafe condition has been removed.


All jerseys must have sleeves. The players may not roll the sleeves up or tie them at the shoulder level.


If you have any questions relating to Law 4 OSA document please send to email to OSA. A response will be provided within 7 working days.

Festival Schedules now posted for WCSC Festival Aug 17 -- go to the WCSC schedule website click on "My Team", select your team, then click on schedule in the left hand menu, Festival games are on Aug 17, 2024 -- all teams will have a minimum of 3 games, where there are an odd number of teams in a division, one team will have 4 games.
Festival Schedules now posted for WCSC Festival Aug 17 -- go to the WCSC schedule website click on "My Team", select your team, then click on schedule in the left hand menu, Festival games are on Aug 17, 2024 -- all teams will have a minimum of 3 games, where there are an odd number of teams in a division, one team will have 4 games.
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