West Carleton Soccer Club

High Humidex Policy: amended Jun 19, 2024 re practices

High Humidex Policy for WCSC 
Micro and House League

For WCSC Micro Program and House League games:

  • Micro, U6, U8  only:  If the temperature/humidex is forecast to be equal to or greater than 37C/37 at 6 pm per the 3 pm Environment Canada forecast, the game shall be cancelled.
  • Teams playing in the EOSL, GLSL, OCSL:  please check the website for the league your team plays in for the league's policy.
  • If the high humidex policy is trigger (37 for Micro to U8 or 40 for U9 to U18) all WCSC team practices are also cancelled.

Cancelled games may be rescheduled by the WCSC if time allows before the end of the season.

Notice of High Humidex Cancellation

If the cancellation policy is triggered, the WCSC shall post a Cancellation Notice on the website and issue a High Humidex Cancellation e-mail to the WCSC House League team contacts and Referees by 3:30 pm.

This policy may be modified for the House League Festival/Tournament.

Policy Adopted 21-June-2007
Policy Amended 2010, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, July 10 2023

Note: this link to  Environment Canada weather used to determine temperature for the purposes of this policy.

Festival Schedules now posted for WCSC Festival Aug 17 -- go to the WCSC schedule website click on "My Team", select your team, then click on schedule in the left hand menu, Festival games are on Aug 17, 2024 -- all teams will have a minimum of 3 games, where there are an odd number of teams in a division, one team will have 4 games.
Festival Schedules now posted for WCSC Festival Aug 17 -- go to the WCSC schedule website click on "My Team", select your team, then click on schedule in the left hand menu, Festival games are on Aug 17, 2024 -- all teams will have a minimum of 3 games, where there are an odd number of teams in a division, one team will have 4 games.
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