West Carleton Soccer Club

ADULT TEAM Coaches and Managers FAQ's

This page is intended as a resource for coaches and managers of our adult teams.

1.  What  "governing bodies" do we need to be aware of?  How does contact with each level work?

2.  What leagues do our Adult teams play in?

3.  Who can contact the the league on behalf of our team?

4.  Why do we need an "Adult Rep" or "Director of Adult Teams" on the WCSC Board of Directors?

5.  Where do our registration fees go?

6.  Why aren't uniforms and equipment included in the regular registration fee for adult teams?

7.  Who is responsible for paying any fines for players or teams as a result of disciplinary action?

8.  What are the "official team" and "game sheet" rosters?

9.  Who brings the Game Sheets to the games?

10.  What registrations are required for players/coaches/managers/teams?

11.  Who needs official "soccer" ID cards (sometimes referred to as player cards)?

12.  Call-ups and other League specific rules

13.  Referees/Game Officials

1 & 3.   What  "governing bodies" do we need to be aware of? How does contact with each level work?

In order of hierarchy, the following organizations govern adult players/officials and teams registered with our club, contact is from the bottom of the list up -- players make contact through coaches, coaches through the Director of Adult teams, Director makes contact with the Club, and so on up the ladder.  

The Canadian Soccer Association (CSA)

Ontario Soccer (OS)

Eastern Ontario District Soccer Association (EODSA)

League (GLSL/OCSL)

Club - West Carleton Soccer Club (WCSC)

2.  What leagues do our Adult teams play in? 

Goulbourn Lanark Soccer League (GLSL)

  • Recreational women's over 30 and over 40 teams that play primarily in smaller/rural communities near us (Almonte, Carleton Place, etc.)

Ottawa Carleton Soccer League (OCSL) 

  • Competitive and recreational adult teams that play primarily in the Ottawa area

4.  Why do we need an "Adult Rep" or "Director of Adult Teams" on the WCSC Board of Directors?

The Director (of Adult Teams) is a voting member of the West Carleton Soccer Club.  On behalf of the adult teams, the director:

  • confirms the number of teams playing each year and their contacts
  • works with the Club Administrator to ensure current information is posted on our website
  • brings issues and concerns to and from the Board
  • attends mandatory league meetings (or appoints someone to attend on behalf of our Club)
  • passes on pertinent information to team officials - registration requirements/deadlines, etc.

5.  Where do our registration fees go?

Players pay their registration fees to the WCSC.  The WCSC is an incorporated, non-profit organization.  WCSC distributes the bulk of the fees as follows:

  • seasonal player insurance/registration fees with the EODSA (the EODSA pays the players' CSA and OS fees)
  • team registration fees with the leagues
  • ID cards - please read the section on these cards
  • field rental and maintenance (line fields and install portapotties at some fields)
  • coach training (for competitive teams)
  • referees/assistant referees if used, referee training and equipment
  • referee scheduler, ref centre fees
  • online registration programs, website hosting, credit card fees
  • Club Administrator (sets up Club registration programs; enters player and team official registrations into OS data base; coordinators with Director of Adult teams; coordinates with Leagues regarding registrations, fields and schedules)
  • General administration of the club 

6.  Why aren't uniforms and equipment included in the regular registration fee for adult teams?

Historically, several women's teams that played in over 30 divisions of the GLSL and the OCSL competitive division joined with the WCSC when the District demanded that all teams belong to a Club and register with the District and Leagues through a Club.  Those teams already had uniforms and equipment so their registration fees were set to exclude those items.   Adult teams do not usually require new uniforms and equipment every year so we have continued with the practice of setting the fees to exclude those items.

7.  Who is responsible for paying any fines for players or teams as a result of disciplinary action?

Players/team officials that are fined following disciplinary action are responsible for paying their fines.  

Teams that are fined as a result of disciplinary action or a breach of League policy are responsible for paying the fines.  (A team official may need to collect from each of the players to cover the cost.)

8.  What are the "official team" and "game sheet" rosters?

The "official team roster" is produced from the OS data base.  Copies are downloaded by the Club Administrator and forwarded to team officials prior to the team activation deadlines for the league websites.  Only players and team officials listed on the official roster are eligible to participate in games or practices (either on the bench or in the game).  Team officials should carry a copy of the official roster to every game, in addition to the game sheet for that game.

Game sheet "rosters" list the players entered in the League website by the team officials.  It is important that team officials do not activate themselves or enter a player on the game sheet roster until the player/official is listed on the "official roster".    Many Leagues check the dates and take disciplinary action.

9.  Who brings the Game Sheets to the games?

Either the coach or team manager (they decide between them) must bring at least two copies of the game sheet, printed from the League website, to every game.  Players and officials printed (*not hand-written) on the game sheet are eligible to participate in the game as a player in the game or official on the team bench.  If in doubt of a player's attendance at a game, it is better to include them in the printed list and stroke them off at the field if they don't show up by half.  Most Leagues have fines and/or disciplinary action attached to infractions of the game sheet rules, how/when/if they choose to enforce them varies.

*Players playing under a Temporary Registration Permit or Temporary Eligibilty Permit may be handwritten on the game sheet and a copy of the completed, fully authorized permit must be brought to the game.

10.  What registrations are required for players/coaches/managers/teams?


  • team coach/manager approves player to register on team and gives the player the registration program password
  • player registers online in the Members section of  WCSC website (new registration program in 2017 requires all players create an account in the members section, including their date of birth, before proceeding to register)
  • player's registration with the Club is valid from the date of payment, however, they cannot yet participate in practices or games....
  • player's registration with the OS (insurance) is valid 24 hours after the Club administrator enters the player's registration in the OS data base for the current season on the team roster
  • *team officials must have a copy of the official roster from the club administrator before entering the player on the league team roster
  • players can apply for an ID card after they have been informed by their team official that they are on the official roster, returning players - please check the expiry date on your ID (player) card
  • player's registration with the league is valid when the player is listed on the league website by the team official
  • player can participate in team activities (games/practices) only after all the steps above have been completed

Coaches/Managers (team officials):

  •  this registration includes confidentiality clauses, which are not in the player registration forms, and must be completed for you to be considered a team official
  • register online via the "Members" section of the WCSC website (no charge)
  • after that, the Club Administrator will register you in the OS data base as a team official on the team's official roster
  • once your have received a copy of the official roster with you on it, from the Club Administrator, you can apply for an ID card (this is the same card the players use and you only need one valid card to both play and be an official)
  • once advised by the Director of Adult teams or the Club Administrator of the "activation code" for your team on the League website, you can activate the team as an official and enter players that are on the official roster, this must be done by the League deadline.


  • must have enough players fully registered (minimum of 11) with WCSC prior to the deadlines established by the WCSC to make a viable team (this deadline will be set to enable the WCSC to meet the registration deadlines set by the Leagues)
  • viable teams will be registered with the League by the Club Administrator
  • teams will be entered into the OS data base by the Club Administrator
  • maximum number of players for an adult recreational team is 25 (OS rules)
  • maximum number of players for an adult competitive team is 18 (OS rules)

Please note the term "part-time player" or "spare" is not an official term and is not recognized by the OS, EODSA or Leagues.  Historically the WCSC has allowed GLSL over 30/40 women's teams to continue a practice started prior to their joining the WCSC, with a few restrictions.  Once a viable GLSL women's over 30/40 team has a minimum of 18 registered players, we will allow a maximum of 3 "part-time players" per team at a reduced rate.  These players must be on the official roster and will each be counted in the maximum number of players allowed on the roster.  The intention is to allow teams to register a few "spares" that will not be available to play the full season but will allow the team to avoid defaulting games during heavy holiday times. 

11.  Who needs official "soccer" ID cards (sometimes referred to as player cards)?

All team officials and players require a valid ID card, which must be brought to every game, per League rules.  Adult ID cards are valid for 5 years.  Only one ID card required per person (it is the same card used for both players and coaches/managers).  Due to the rising cost of ID Cards, returning players/officials are asked to check their card expiry date and not to renew cards unless they will expire before or during the summer soccer season.  

Players/officials requiring new cards this year must be on the "official team roster' prior to applying for a new ID card --see "What registrations are required for players/coaches/managers...." above.

How to obtain an ID card is posted prominently on the EODSA website.

12.  Call-ups and other League specific rules

In general, call ups are allowed for players registered in the same club to a "higher level" team.  Specific rules about how often a player can be called up, eligibility of a player to be called up and what paperwork is required is on the League website.  GLSL      OCSL

The GLSL allows players to register for both an over 30 and an over 40 team in the same season, providing they meet the age requirements.  Call-ups are like-wise allowed, providing the player meets the age requirement.

The following applies for the WR2 team for 2017:

OCSL WR teams can call up players from our WCSC teams that play in the GLSL, both the women's over 30/40 and the youth teams.

They have to be at least 13 and meet the gender requirement. If they are under 18 then they need an under age player form.

Rules and applications for trial registraton (TRP) and temporary eligibility (TEP)  permits can be found on the EODSA website.  Fees for these permits are the responsibility of the team.  Please note that these permits must be applied for in advance as there are several steps in the approval process.

TRP - A player who is not currently registered must obtain a Trial Registration Permit (T.R.P.) and validated Player ID Card in order to play. The Trial Permit entitles a player to play two games or a Tournament within a fifteen day period. Click here for the Fee Schedule. A player may obtain 2 Trial Permits during a season, only one may be issued for any one club.

TEP - A player who is currently registered but wishes to play as a Guest Player for another Club must obtain a TEP. The T.E.P. entitles the player to play in either one league game at a higher level or a tournament. Click here for the Fee Schedule.

13.  Referees/Game Officials

Centre Referee (CR):  must be fully certified by the CSA and is the game official in charge of the game.

Assistant Referee (AR):  must be fully certified by the CSA and offers assistance to the CR as requested by the CR.

Flag person:  can be any person agreed on by the teams and the CR, is not certified and does not offer advise to the CR  unless requested by the CR.  The usual duty of the flag person is to monitor one part of the field and raise the flag to signal to the CR when the ball has gone out of play.

Referees and assistant referees must be a minimum of 16 years of age (CSA policy).  All referees/assistant referees must successfully complete the CSA training courses that are administered by OS and hosted by local districts/leagues/clubs.   Once certified as a referee, the referee can be assigned as a centre referee (CR) or assistant referee (AR) appropriate to their age and experience.

In the OCSL, all CR's are assigned by the League.  In the GLSL, CR's are assigned by the Clubs.  While a certified CR is required for all games in both of these leagues, neither league requires AR's for women's recreational games.  If a club chooses to schedule AR's for recreational games, it is required to schedule one CR and two AR's for the game.

The fee schedule for payment to referees is posted annually on the EODSA website, however, the fees do not include travel costs, which will be in addition to the posted fee.  

1 child's velour hoodie, 1 pair Alfred Sung eyeglasses, 1 WC Warriors water bottle, 1 umbrella
Contact admin@wcsc.ca for pick-up information
1 child's velour hoodie, 1 pair Alfred Sung eyeglasses, 1 WC Warriors water bottle, 1 umbrella
Contact admin@wcsc.ca for pick-up information
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