West Carleton Soccer Club

Code of Conduct

West Carleton Soccer Club Code of Conduct

This Code of Conduct establishes a clear set of guidelines for the coach, player and parents/guardians. Its primary goal is to help ensure that soccer is a fun, positive and enjoyable experience. Our Code of Conduct is based on the concept of fair play, defined by four basic principles:

  • Respect for the rules
  • Respect for the referees and their decisions
  • Respect for all participants, including teammates, coaches and opponents
  • Maintaining self -control at all times

It is a condition of continuing Club membership that all participants understand and follow this Code of Conduct when participating in any Club activity. Please keep this Code of Conduct as a reference.

Player Code of Conduct

  • I will play soccer because I want to, not because others want me to.
  • I will play by the rules of soccer, and in the spirit of the game.
  • I will control my temper. I will not fight, "mouth off" or use bad language.
  • I will respect my opponents.
  • I will be a team player.
  • I will remember that winning isn't everything that having fun, playing fair, improving my skills, making friends and doing my best are the most important.
  • I will acknowledge all good play those of my teammates and of my opponents.
  • I will accept the decisions of coaches and referees and show them respect.
  • See Social Media Guidelines below

Games and Practices

  • I agree that practices and games are equally important.
  • I will arrive at the field before practices and games according to the standards set by my coach.
  • If I cannot make a game or practice, I will notify the coach at least 24 hours in advance so that arrangements for substitutes can be made.
  • I realize that players who attend practices may get priority for game starting lineups, which will be based on factors including attendance at practices, player's position, effort, and attitude.

My Uniform

  • I understand that the uniform is the property of the Soccer Club. I will take good care of it and wear it only on game days.
  • When wearing the uniform, I will remember that I am representing the WCSC.
  • I will return the uniform, clean, if requested by my team, at the end of the season. (Do not return socks.)
  • At practices I will wear appropriate attire, such as a comfortable shirt and shorts.
  • I will wear shin guards covered by socks and appropriate footwear at all games and practices.


  • At all times I will show respect for coaches, referees, teammates, and opposing players.
  • Infractions that occur during the game are governed by the Laws of the Game and will be decided by the Referee. The result may be a Caution (yellow card) or Dismissal (red card), in which case there may also be further action by the league Discipline Committee.
  • Outside of the game no player shall insult nor verbally abuse an official, this includes but is not limited to at school, in public places, via phone, text messages or via Social Media – See Social Media Guidelines at end of page – this will be treat in a similar manner as if it happened at during the game.
  • Certain serious infractions (e.g. Referee Assault) will result in a Discipline Hearing convened by the Ontario Soccer Association or their delegate, and could lead to a worldwide suspension from soccer, and a fine being levied by the OSA. Payment of the fine is my responsibility. At his or her discretion, the teams coach will handle infractions that occur at times other than during a game.

Coach Code of Conduct

  • I will remember that players play to have fun and must be encouraged to have confidence in themselves.
  • I will remember that participants need a coach they can respect. I will be generous with praise and set a good example.
  • I will ensure that all my players receive equal instruction and support.
  • I will adhere to the Club Coaching Guidelines. (For more information see WCSC website)
  • I will teach my players to play fairly and to respect the rules, referees and our opponents.
  • At all times I will respect parents, players and game officials.
  • I will work in cooperation with referees for the benefit of the game.
  • I will ensure feedback regarding the performance of a referee is address by the team coach with the Head Referee only.
  • I will be selective in the amount of instructions I give players during the game. I will let the players play.
  • I will make sure that equipment/facilities are safe and match the players' ages and abilities.
  • I will be reasonable when re-scheduling games and practices, remembering that the players and their families have other obligations.
  • I will be on time and prepared for games and practices.
  • I will obtain proper training and upgrade my coaching skills and knowledge of the game, according to the standards of the Ontario Soccer Association and/or the Club.
  • I will inform parents/guardians of any injuries their son/daughter may have suffered.
  • I will dress appropriately at all games and practices, so that I present a professional image and can be easily identified.
  • I will ensure that my team, their parents and fans, understand that the team may be penalized for their inappropriate behaviour.
  • I will understand and follow the Zero Tolerance Policy listed further down on page
  • I will adhere to the Social Media Guidelines at the end of the page

Parent Code of Conduct

  • I will remember that my child plays soccer for his or her benefit, not for mine.
  • I will not give instructions to players - that is the coach's role.
  • I will teach my child that doing one's best is as important as winning, so that my child will never feel defeated by the outcome of a game.
  • I will make my child feel like a winner by offering praise for competing fairly and doing their best.
  • I will encourage my child to play by the rules and to resolve conflicts without resorting to hostility or violence.
  • At all times I will support all players on the team.
  • I will remember that children learn best by example. I will applaud good plays by both my child's team and their opponents.
  • I will never question the referee’s judgment or honesty.  I understand feedback, both positive and constructive, regarding the performance of a referee is to be sent by the team coach to the Head Referee.
  • I will support all efforts to eliminate verbal and physical abuse from the game of soccer.
  • I will respect and show appreciation for the volunteer coaches, who give their time for the benefit of my child.
  • I will make sure that my son/daughter arrives for scheduled practices and games at the time designated by the coach.
  • I realize that the team can be penalized for my behaviour. If required, I must obey a request by a referee or from the team’s coach to leave the vicinity of the field.
  • I am responsible for my child at all times during participation in WCSC events.
  • I will encourage my child to sit with his/her team during games. I will observe games from the opposite side of the field from the players’ benches, unless requested to do otherwise by the referee or coach.
  • I will understand and follow the Zero Tolerance Policy listed further down on page.
  • I will adhere to the Social Media Guidelines at the end of the page.

Resolving Problems

If you are upset, we recommend you wait 24 hours and then determine if you wish to further pursue an issue. If so, talk to your coach privately. If you are unable to obtain satisfaction, please contact our Head Coach.

Zero Tolerance Policy - Officials

West Carleton Soccer Club is a strong supporter of making sport safe for our youth.  West Carleton Soccer Club supports the following program to help ensure the safety and enjoyment of soccer for all.


Any coach, parent, grandparent or guardian judged by the Discipline Board to be guilty of abusive conduct toward a referee during a Club’s House League game will be reprimanded in writing and subject to policies and procedures as outlined in the OSA Discipline Guidelines. A second conviction, during the same season will result in the member being restricted from all services rendered by the Club including attendance at all soccer activities within the Club. In extreme cases, as determined by the Discipline Board, a member may be reinstated subject to a review hearing.

Policy Procedures

When a referee feels that they are being abused, as per the scope of this policy, by either a coach or supporter, the referee is allowed to suspend the playing of the game. If the abuse is physical, the game official is advised to inform the coaches that the game has been abandoned and then proceed with step 1.

The Referee will then verbally advise both coaches that the game has been stopped due to the abuse and inform both coaches as to the source of the abuse.  If the source is one of the coaches, the referee will advise the coach that the next occurrence of a similar nature will result in an abandonment of the game and that a report to the Club’s Discipline Board will be sent in for review.  If the source is a supporter, the appropriate coach will provide the referee with the name of the supporter and the coach must advise the fan that the next occurrence of a similar nature will result in abandonment of the game. A report to the Club’s Discipline Board will be sent in for review.  If the supporter is not associated with either team, both coaches are asked to speak to the supporter and ask the individual to leave.

Once the prescribed action has been completed, the game will restart with a dropped ball between the two teams at the location where the play was stopped. If the abuse continues, the referee will be allowed to stop any further playing of the game and advise the coaches that the game has been abandoned and that a Special Incident Report will be forwarded to the Club’s Discipline Board. The official must clearly indicate on the game sheet that the game was abandoned due to abuse and if abandoned:

1.     The game official must contact either their Referee Coordinator or a member of the Executive to verbally report the incident within 24 hours.

2.     A Special Incident Report, with the assistance of the Referee Coordinator or a member of the Executive, if required, must then be forwarded to the Club within 72 hours.

3.     The Club’s Discipline Board will then review and deal with the report as per their guidelines.

4.     If the game was abandoned due to the conduct of a fan not associated with either team, the Executive will determine the status of the game.


            In the case where the alleged abuse is of a physical nature the referee should contact the local police service and file a complaint.

Social Media Guidelines

This policy governs the publication of and commentary on social media by players, coaches, referees, and Members of the West Carleton Soccer Club. For the purposes of this policy, social media means any facility for online publication and commentary, including without limitation blogs, wiki's, social networking sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Flickr, and YouTube. This policy is in addition to and complements any existing or future policies regarding the use of technology, computers, e-mail and the internet.

West Carleton Soccer Club acknowledges that Cyber bullying is becoming a significant threat to the safety and wellbeing of a whole generation of young people in our sporting community and beyond.

Cyber bullying involves harassment, insults and humiliation via technology such as email, mobile phones, social networking sites, instant messaging programs, chat rooms and websites.

The use of social media to taunt, threaten, or bully any player, coach, official, or spectator is strictly prohibited. Violation of these Social Media Guidelines, Code of Conduct of House League Bylaws or the OSA Harassment Policy will be subject to disciplinary action as determined by WCSC’s Executive Board Disciplinary Committee and these actions will have the same consequences as if they happened on the field of play.

The following are examples of conduct through social media and networking mediums that are considered violations of the WCSC’s policies and may be subject to disciplinary action. This is not an exhaustive list:

  • Any statement deemed to be publicly critical of WCSC officials or detrimental to the welfare of a member team, the club or an individual.
  • Negative or derogatory comments about any of the match officials.
  • Any form of bullying, harassment or threats against players or officials.
  • Photographs, videos or comments promoting negative influences or criminal behavior, including but not limited to: drug use, alcohol abuse, public intoxication, hazing, sexual exploitation, etc.
  • Online activity that contradicts the current policies of the SHA or any of its member Associations.
  • Inappropriate, derogatory, racist, or sexist comments of any kind.
  • Online activity that is meant to alarm other individuals or to misrepresent fact or truth.


The WCSC Executive Board Discipline Committee will investigate reported violation(s) of this policy as per OS Discipline Report procedures. If the investigation determines that a violation has occurred, discipline will be administered according to OSA Discipline Guidelines.

Policy Procedures

If you as an official, a player, a coach or a WCSC Member feel you are being abused, harassed or bullied via Social Media.  Please submit a formal report to the discipline committee using the following email address: discipline@wcsc.ca

This report should proceed as soon as you think there is an issue.   Do not wait hoping it will stop.

Your report should contain details of what the complaint is, when the issue happened and the name of the person the complaint is about.  Please include as much detail as possible including screen captures that highlight the reason for the complaint.

When a complaint about abuse through Social Media or Cyber Bullying is received you will receive an acknowledgement of your complaint in 24-48 hours.  At which time you will be informed of the next steps and asked for any additional information that may be required.

Revised:  Feb 2018

Festival Schedules now posted for WCSC Festival Aug 17 -- go to the WCSC schedule website click on "My Team", select your team, then click on schedule in the left hand menu, Festival games are on Aug 17, 2024 -- all teams will have a minimum of 3 games, where there are an odd number of teams in a division, one team will have 4 games.
Festival Schedules now posted for WCSC Festival Aug 17 -- go to the WCSC schedule website click on "My Team", select your team, then click on schedule in the left hand menu, Festival games are on Aug 17, 2024 -- all teams will have a minimum of 3 games, where there are an odd number of teams in a division, one team will have 4 games.
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